Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Well, that's where I belong and you belong with me.

I found a song I really like, it's called Swallowed in the Sea by Coldplay. It's probably old, but, do I look like I care?

Anyways, I haven't written a blog post in over a week! Craziness. I'm currently watching the Glee Christmas episode.. AGAIN. :) It's so cute. "Remember, even the smallest letter is heavy for an elf." - Brittany. <3 SO LAME BUT I JUST LOVE ALL THE CHRISTMASSYNESS IN THE AIR :) 3 days, 4 hours, 20 minutes and 18 seconds until Christmas! How close is that?!?! Ahhhh :) I'm really excited for Christmas, I love the presents and everything. But, to be honest, I enjoy picking out what to get other people more than anything, it's so much fun :) I hope this Christmas break is the best one ever.
"My stupidity got the best of me once again
." This is what I said to my friend, Courtnie, earlier today, ahhaha, I always say the dumbest things to her without thinking. I'm cool like that, I'm cool like that.. K COOL BYE FOLLOWERS <3

Monday, December 13, 2010

They just want to see me fall.

Current music obsessions: He Is We & A Day To Remember. Yup, just wanted to annouce that, no big deal or anything.

Well, today was Monday.. did it suck? Hell yes, hell yes it did. So, if you follow me on Polyvore you might already be aware of the boy I 'like.' I put like in little quotations because.. well, I'm not too sure if I for real like him. I have a hard time liking people, I'm just scared to be hurt from people. I've been hurt so many times, I've just had enough of it, ya know? I don't know.. I want to like him, he reminds me so much Seth Cohen from The O.C. played by Adam Brody. He's such a cutie and so sweet. For like, a week straight we texted non-stop and now, we stopped.. he stopped being first to message me and I feel like if I message him first then I'm bugging him or something. I don't know, silly, eh? Anyways, so, he's in my English.. did we talk in English, nope. I didn't expect us to, I mean, we got a new seating plan and we're no longer beside eachother, but, still.. last Friday we had a sub and he sat with me because she didn't know the seating plan :) hehehe, lub him.

UGH. So, I'm in musical theatre, right? Well, if you didn't know that, I am. Today, it was SO dumb, I rarely fucking talk in that class because, well.. I should be learning my dance steps, but, today I open my big mouth and start talking to Kiarra, thanks to that I'm now only in two dance numbers in part one.. nice going, Nicole. I can still be in the second part.. unless I go all badass and talk again.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Today was a really good day.. since I started at a new school this past September I've spent a lot of my days wondering if I really fit in there. I do. Today I realized how much I truly love it there. It's nothing like my old school. My old school was a private Christian school, I went there for eight years, eight years too many. My mom finally jumped off the crazy train and said it was time for a switch. I had only been a public school when I was younger, my mom had choosen to send me to a 'nice Christian environment' polar opposite, but whatever. So, back to the new school. Today I finally felt at home, everyone there is so nice and I just get along with everyone so well. In all my classes I talk to everyone, I have so many friends. The 'popular' girls aren't like they are in the movies. Bitchy to everyone. No, they're bitchy to you if you're bitcy to them. I'm nice to them, so, they like me. 

OH! I got my puppy on Friday night, she's so cute. Her name is Roo, like, from Winnie The Pooh. She's so tiny and fun. I can't help but wish she was Lucky though.. Lucky was my old dog, she died on November 13, 2010. Lucky was the best thing that happened to me. I truly believe that if I didn't have Lucky last year, I would've comitted sucide. Last year was possibly the worst year of my life, the drama was unbearable and being suspended was constant. People were cruel and I wasn't the person I should have been. I've changed, they haven't. I wish they could, because, it's getting really old.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's not a matter of experience, but of total disgust, total hatred.

I hate people. Well, that sounds rather mean.. I hate people who hate people, you caught my drift? It annoys every single part of me when certian people think they can say whatever the fuck they want about anyone and get away with it. Yaya, I'm not saying I'm perfect. I gossip.. not a lot. Wait.. I don't even gossip! I speak the truth and my opinions about people, last time I checked, that isn't gossip. But, there's this girl at my school and apparently today everyone was going to gang up on her because she's been talking smack about everyone. It's sooo true, ever since the first time I talked to her she's been bashing everyone, which really makes me wonder, what does she say about me? Anyways, I think she found out because a bunch of people saw her crying in the office.. NO ONE EVEN DID ANYTHING TO HER. Well, some people sent her texts telling her to stop being so rude, but, that's nothing to cry about. I just wish we could all grow up. I mean really, I don't like every single damn person in the world. But, am I mean about it? No. I express myself. Like, I only tell Courtnie my straight up opinions on the girls that are insanely mean to me. I never did anything to them, they just choose to hate me, why? Ask them. Anyways, I really think the quote that says it all is from Mean Girls, Lindsay Lohan said this. "Calling someone fat isn't going to make you any skinnier. And calling someone stupid isn't going to make you any smarter.." So, why do we even say such mean things about eachother? I know it's said that when you point your finger at someone there are three pointing back at you. But, the things I dislike about others are not the things I dislike about myself. There are many things I dislike about myself. I dislike the way I look, for one. I dislike how I can't be nice to my sister for more than ten minutes. I dislike my extremely low attention span. I don't point these things out in others. I love seeing these things in others, it shows I'm not alone. We all have flaws. Wow, this was probably lame. I am sorry.

Attack of the bagels.. featuring the yogurt.

Okay, so today I was on the phone with my friend, Courtnie, and I randomly came up with this huge story, so, I'm going to post it on here. For those of you who don't know, last year me and my ex-friend through bagels with cream cheese at this girl.. HAHHHAHHAHAHAHAHH. So, here's my story.

"Oh my god, I'm just going to get everyone at Dakota to go after her, because, you know how they just go after people they hate, eh? So, anyways, all 7- I mean 1000 of us will go charging down the Linden halls and then they'll call a code blue because you see, we have guns full of cream cheese and bagels in our bags and we're going to get her good! So, we'll bang on all the doors and then we bang on the fourth door and we hear a little 'hehehehahahahahhehehe' after hearing that I know that she's in there! SOOOO, we charge in and throw her in the middle of our circle and we're all singing that song! OH MY GOD I REMEMBER THE SONG.. we all start singing.. 'someone singing my lord, kumbyaaaaaaaa, someone singing my lord kumbyaaaaaaa' and we sway in a graceful motion and the doves are flying and Christ in heaven is so pleased. BUT THEN WE BREAK OUT THE BAGELS AND CREAM CHEESE AND ATTACK HER! Layers and layers of bagels then cream cheese. We all run out and catch a city bus, then, everyone in the classroom freaks out and the weird fungi on the floor (it's really the girl..) and they call in Mr. Reeve and the says, 'MMM, I've never seen anything like this!' and he ships it off to Russia to be checked out. By that point she's been in this small box with no air for so long that she dies.
The end." 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm sorry, did I fall short of your expectations?

Hello :) My name is Nicole, I'm new to this whole blogging thing, but, I thought I might as well give it a try. I'm starting this because I normally use my Polyvore for blogs, but, a lot of girls from my old school have found me on there and I rather them not know what's going on in my life. I hope I get some followers on here and maybe make some new friends. :) I guess I'll normally talk about my day, life, YouTube and pretty much everything on here! I'm a YouTube junkie, I love gurus.. do any of you? I guess I could write posts about certian videos and stuff as well if you'd like! :)

Anyways, that's all for now,

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